With the development of technology listening and tracking events have recently emerged, especially GPS locators that have been modified or have listening functions are used to install in other people's vehicles or confidential corporate meeting rooms and other places to steal trade secrets. This illegal application of GPS locators has led to the leakage of personal security information, property information, and company secrets. Thus, personal security, property security and company interests are threatened.

In the face of this situation, we can use GPS signal detector to scan GPS location listener, GPS location signal detector can sweep out their gps signal source specific location there. what are the features of GPS location detector?

Professional Gps Tracking Detectors, can be used to find the specific location of GPS locator, listener, tracker, so as to remove the GPS tracker. For the GPS locator detection problem, 2023 new research and development of a new GPS signal source search locator, it has what we are looking forward to the features?
1, a network of all positioning trackers: S699 signal source search locator covers 2/3/4/5G signal, can easily sweep all GPS positioning devices, and accurate check the location of GPS locators, positioning accuracy of up to 0.5 meters.

2, active detection and discovery, instant discovery of suspicious signals in the vehicle automatically collects and analyzes suspicious terminal 2, 3, 4, 5G signal terminal characteristics (IMSI/ESN/MAC/ISDN) information, including but not limited to cell phones, invisible cameras, bugs, phone watches, tablets and other special communication and positioning devices, accurate analysis shows the signal frequency band and signal strength or back to Terminal warning platform (APP/small program/PC software) analysis.

3、Faster detection speed: pseudo base station positioning is to send a signal once a second, this detector can scan 1000 times a second, no matter how fast the locator uploads data packets, can be quickly detected.

4, detection distance error is low: there are too many interference signals in the city, ordinary detectors are easy to false alarm, this locator can be based on the length of signal radiation, automatically filter out useless signals, low test error, the signal can be intuitively recorded on the screen, accurately find the target source tracker, positioning accuracy can be accurate to within 0.5 meters.

5, can detect dormant locators: commonly used dormant locators work abnormally for one day, only 5-7 minutes at a time, so the detector needs to work continuously for 24 hours, this signal detector can automatically monitor the signal terminal characteristics of 2G/3G/4G/5G communication devices in the region (IMSI/ESN/MAC/ISDN) information, accurately display the signal frequency band and signal strength or back to Terminal warning platform. Automatic monitoring of 2G/3G/4G/5G communication equipment signal terminal characteristics (IMSI/ESN/MAC/ISDN) information in each area of the prison building, accurate display of signal frequency band and signal strength or back to the terminal warning platform

6、Sensitivity adjustment: By adjusting the sensitivity button, expand or narrow the detection range, find the specific location of the suspicious object, eliminate background noise and environmental interference, while preventing false alarms.

7, so that illegal devices have nothing to hide: monitors, GPS trackers, wireless pinhole camera products for small broadband wireless detection equipment, can detect whether the bedroom, room, fitting rooms, conference rooms, hotels and other private places installed monitors, GP5 trackers, wireless pinhole cameras, can accurately detect wireless signal transmission equipment.

Bug sweepersFinding a hidden gps tracker on your carProfessional gps tracking detectors